Blog Posts
How to live with abundance, purpose and love
I'm 50! Here's what I've learned and how I celebrated!
I just turned 50 on February 1st. However, the celebration really began in San Juan, Puerto…
10 Year Anniversary Trip Part Deux - Paris
If you didn't get a chance to read Part 1: London, you can check it out below. In the past when…
Seeing Sicily
Sicily is magical! It's not touristy yet, but you better hurry because it's about to be on everyone's travel plans!
Finding Family
In Part 2 of our Sicilian travels, we find family in Mazara Del Vallo and Chiesa Nuovo, as well as other hidden gems!
Ah, Sicily! Amunninni (aa-moo-nin-nee)!!!
What does a trip to Sicily cost? Adventures and mishaps abound on our vacation to find family, see Sicily and get away!