Speaker Pelosi's Visit to Taiwan

Since I’m Taiwanese-American, I have to say something about Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit last week. First of all, I was nervous for my family members since we all know China wouldn’t be too keen on a high ranking U.S. official visiting Taiwan solely and treating it as a sovereign nation.

However, my family in Taiwan didn’t feel nervous because of a treaty that any military action that China takes on Taiwan will be met with U.S. military force. The same treaty apparently also “prevents” communism from infiltrating Taiwan, but that’s probably more difficult to monitor.

Taiwan is considered a Republic of China. However, it’s a democracy, with a (female) president, who had one of the BEST track records of maintaining covid protocols and preventing more deaths. Taiwan also manufactures semiconductor chips, and if you’ve tried to buy a car or anything that’s run on electronics (like Apple products), you know there’s been a chip shortage. So, with precious commodities that the U.S. wants and needs, it's no wonder Pelosi took the risk.

Not that she had much time for sightseeing, but Taiwan is also an incredible place to visit.

In 2011, I helped bring ABC's The Bachelorette to Taiwan!

One part of Taiwan the Bachelorette and her suitors didn't get to see...the beautiful beaches that have some of the best surfing in the world!

I love being Taiwanese American. My grandmother, who passed away last year, was also Taiwanese American. Her family goes back pretty much to the beginning of Taiwan’s establishment. She was also American, passing an exam in English (!) and getting her citizenship in her 70s!!! She proudly framed and displayed the U.S. citizen certificate in her room and took a photo with some guy dressed in red, white & blue. (I don’t know where that picture went, but I love it.)

To keep the peace and to prevent war, Taiwan and the rest of the world has always towed the line between treating it as its own country (products from Taiwan are generally labeled Made In Taiwan, except now Apple asked Taiwan to label products Made in China) and treating it as part of China (with most government officials avoiding official visits).

Eisenhower was the only sitting U.S. president to ever visit.

I applaud Speaker Pelosi’s bravery, even though it obviously comes with its own political agenda. If we continue to be afraid of what China’s leaders think, then aren’t we allowing a Communist country to dictate what we do in our democracy?

I’m also happy that my relatives in Taiwan are not scared of military action, and it’s probably time to declare independence from China. I know it’s scary (the island is 2100 km away…which is why it’s easy for China to threaten Taiwan with military “exercises” that show they can send missiles directly over the island and into its waters.) I’m glad these military exercises have died down, for now, but who knows when China will truly try and take over Taiwan, like it did with Hong Kong?

One way you and I can support Taiwan is to NOT buy Made in China or Made in the PRC (newer labels are written this way because of the backlash over Chinese made products). It’s a way of voting with our dollars.

I actually believe in products that are Made in the USA. I love supporting the country where I am a citizen. I want to create jobs for those who live in the U.S., not create more low paying factory jobs for those who live in China or any other country with low paying workers.

With Love & Gratitude (for being both Taiwanese and American),

Previous Comments

Wayland Quintero Dear Katy, I really appreciate your comments on Taiwan and the necessity to declare Taiwanese independence from Beijing rule. Relatedly, I have family the Philippines and the West Philippine/South China Sea controversies over the years have only reinforced fears that Beijing would not hesitate in the future to make the Philippines a territory of China. We who are fortunate to be residing the US need to support full sovereignty of every nation in the region and freedom from authoritarian rule. Regarding the FFCC work, I have been out of loop, sidetracked due to covid issues among family members and then my mother with Alzheimers hospitalized with other medical issues and then arranging for at home care and other logistics. Itʻs been a roller coaster and now getting back into things. Aloha, Wayland Q.

August 8, 2022, 03:15pm

Katy I so agree with the statement "We who are fortunate to be residing the US need to support full sovereignty of every nation in the region and freedom from authoritarian rule." I'm thinking of you and your family. Take care of yourself and your family! I'm here for you. Let me know how I can support. If you want to do a private session to get "caught up," we can do that as well. Just send me an email.

August 8, 2022, 08:17pm

Annie Thanks for sharing your point of view Katy. I enjoyed ready you as I value your take on things.

August 8, 2022, 11:57pm

Katy @Annie What was your take on her visit, from someone living in Taiwan?

August 9, 2022, 01:49am


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