Money + Mindset = financial wellness

On Saturday, May 18, 2024, I spoke at Embody: Empowering Mental Health Through Community Wellness and Creativity.


It was an incredible one day wellness retreat that was completely FREE! The day started with some mental affirmations and fitness, a collaborative arts session, hip hop and freestyle dancing with a DJ, and a produce market that was available all day for participants to take as much as they wanted! The afternoon started with an intuitive yoga flow and an all-female Mariachi performance that was sooo good! That was followed by a mental health and wellbeing panel, a super fun Laughter Yoga session that I fully participated in, and then came the money + mindset panel I spoke on.


Here's the entire video of the panel discussion (not the best quality, but the information is great so I wanted to make sure you had a chance to watch/listen to it...also at the end, I gave away my Mindful Money Mastery guide, and you can text me to get it too):

The panelists from left to right: myself, Melanie D. Perry, a Certified Financial Planner and founder of Zeallionaire Enterprises, Tax Accountant and Financial Therapist, Audrey Capilla, and the host/emcee/moderator, also award-winning actor and poet, Sean Hill.


The rest of the day included Tai Chi and Qigong and a Breathwork + Soundbath session to calm our spirits and souls.


I will definitely be at their next event, whether I'm a speaker or not!


With Love & Gratitude,

To get more financial wellness, subscribe below for my Money Magic Mail newsletters, where each week, I share with you ways you can achieve financial wellness and there's always fun recommendations on what I'm watching, reading, and listening to...


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