Mental Health & Money Blocks

Last week of Mental Health Awareness Month, and I want to give you 10 ways to help improve your mental and emotional health:

  1. Do something that puts you into a “flow state.” Ideally, it’s something creative like writing, drawing, painting, playing or writing music, listening to music, etc. It’s also something that you can do for hours, and you tend to lose track of time when you’re doing it.

  2. Exercise - yoga, dance, walking, running or boxing are all great ways to relieve stress, anger, anxiety and increase cortisol, or those “feel good” hormones!

  3. Mediation, Breathwork, Prayer, or other mindfulness practices like just observing your breath going in and out, touching each finger to your thumb and reciting a mantra, or noticing sounds inside your body and outside of your body.

  4. Help someone else! Whether you’re volunteering at a charitable organization or helping your elderly neighbor by picking up groceries, it changes our body chemistry when we are able to help other people. Studies have shown this could even decrease depression symptoms.

  5. Socialize with people who are uplifting! Even if you’re an introvert, you still need social interactions. Just make sure if you are an introvert, you limit the time and be with a small, more intimate group or even with one friend. Who you choose to be around is important. Choose to not spend time with “Debbie Downers.”

  6. Create a spiritual practice. This could be through prayer, reading religious books/texts, lighting candles and speaking to your ancestors, or regularly writing release letters and burning them in fire. Our spirit needs a cleanse, just like our bodies!

  7. Declutter! Clean and clear out paperwork, bills, emails, old clothes or anything else that no longer serves you or your home. Clearing out physically will help us to clear out mentally!

  8. Allow yourself to have a good cry! Although society tells us to “not cry,” it’s actually more harmful to hold it in or to hold it back. Otherwise, why does it feel like such a relief when we finally allow ourselves to let it all go? Give yourself the time and space to do so.

  9. Release Anger! Society also teaches us, especially if you’re a woman, to not be angry. However, anger is an emotion that everyone carries at some point, and it’s important that we release it in a healthy way, rather than onto someone else! So, do breathwork, some exercises like boxing or running (to some angry music), scream into a pillow, take a foam roller or just pillows and hit them against something soft like a bed or a sofa, or if any of those things don’t feel safe, lie down on a yoga mat or even a bed and just start kicking your feet, while saying out loud what you’re angry about! Write a release letter and burn it or tear it up and flush it down the toilet!

  10. Seek support. Sometimes, we just need someone to help us with our own shit.


If you would like support with anything that may be blocking you, choose to come to my Money Blocks Workshop June 14th. Details below.



In our latest Financial Freedom for Creatives Club hot seat call, members released a lot of blocks, supported each other, and got what they needed from everyone’s shares, even if they didn’t share anything publicly.


The first person, let’s call her Carrie, shared how she was blocked from moving forward with getting new students/clients. As tears rolled down her face, she discovered her deeper why – knowing that she never had support growing up from her parents and teachers, so she truly wanted to support students wholeheartedly.


Next, let’s call her Miranda, felt disassociated from her debts but desperately wanted to pay them down. She discovered how she was tired of being “small,” and wanted to prove to herself that she was capable, valuable and worthy.


Now, let’s call her Charlotte, had a lot of negative feelings towards debt, and it was, of course, holding her back on making money to get out of survival mode. So, we shifted her belief system to help her whole self to believe that money can be a healer for artists and to give herself proof.


Finally, let’s call her Samantha, had a major block that was keeping her ashamed and small. Through a process of Inner Child and Internal Family Systems work,, a few things came up. One of her protector parts didn’t want her to fall. Another part wanted her to keep her head down, not be too much, and that part felt punishing. The part that really stood out to me was when she said that if she didn’t keep her head down, not be or do too much, then she wouldn’t be so nice. The desire to be “nice” was keeping her ashamed, small and blocked. So, we went through a process of really “unleashing” and allowing her Inner Child to really tell everyone to “F-off!”


Powerful, right?


I’m excited to support you at The Money Blocks Workshop: Get Unstuck to Find Your Financial & Creative Flow!



With Love & Gratitude,


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