If you're looking, you'll find it

A guest post by executive coach and marketing consultant, Sandie Bass

I used to have a dog, Wrigley, who was a feather eater. She’d keep her nose to the grass on every walk and grab as many as she could find. After a few choking incidents that included some $500+ visits to the vet, and a trip to the ER after someone attempted to extract a feather from Wrigley’s clenched jaw, I became paranoid, convinced that feathers were going to lead to the demise of my dog and everyone who walked her. I began to keep my eyes 10 feet in front of her, constantly scanning for feathers so I could keep us all safe.

Sandy's dog, Wrigley

And you know what I found? SO MANY FEATHERS! I don’t know where they come from, but I promise you—bird feathers blanket our earth.

Wrigley has been gone for a while (due to old age, not feathers), and the other day when I was out walking the dog I have now, I realized something shocking—I never see feathers anymore. Of course they’re there, because once it popped into my mind, I noticed four immediately. But most days, I walk right past them.

What do you expect to see every day, and subsequently, what are you finding? What would you like to see? Good people, interesting opportunities, creative ideas…they’re all around us, but we’ll only notice them when we decide to look.


Sandie Bass is an executive coach and marketing consultant with over 20 years of Fortune 500 leadership experience. She was the head of Human Resources for Medtronic Latin America, and later the head of Marketing Communications for a $2.5 billion division of St. Jude Medical. Her unique blend of coaching, human resources and marketing expertise allows her to unravel her clients’ authentic aspirations, find strategies for getting around fears, and position them for success. www.emergingoptions.com

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