Creative Ways to Make Your Money-Making Blog Stand Out

If you are feeling creative and want to start a blog, then you are not alone. So many people are in the same situation as you are right now, but that being said, this can work against you. The sheer amount of competition means that you need to try and get an edge, and you also need to take steps to make yourself a little different. If you aren’t sure how to do this, then this collaborative/contributed post will give you some steps you can take.

Know your Audience

It is so essential that you know your audience, both on the inside and out. It is very easy for people who don’t know their audience to go down the road of publishing blogs that they think their audience might be interested in, but in reality, they aren’t at all. If you know that you have an audience who is aged between 15 and 25 and your demographic is mostly female, then you may think that they have an interest in make-up. This may be true, but that doesn’t mean that they will want to read a 2,500-word blog post about choosing a good mascara. If you do not think about the content that you post, then you may be wasting your time by creating things that people aren’t interested in. You may also find that you are not able to create something that speaks to the pain points of your audience, which is the last thing that you need. Having a good website will help you to keep your posts organized and it will also help your users with their navigation. Just make sure that you choose a good WordPress hosting service because if you don’t, your site might be so slow that people can’t actually access your posts at all.

Know your Competition

Another thing you need to do is understand your competition. You need to know who your target readers are and what you can do to try and engage them. Find out what other blogs they are reading because if you can do this, you will certainly be able to understand the competition way more. You can’t stand out if you have no idea what you are standing out from. It’s also wise for you to enter your URL onto Moz or even Ahrefs because this will give you the chance to find out which blog content is performing better. You can then try and take steps to make it even better. This is a crucial step that most people overlook when they try and create content.

Get a Good Writing Style

You have to make sure that people recognize the style of writing you have. You have to make sure that your writing is consistent, and you also need to make sure that it is evident throughout the entire blog. Every piece of content that you create should reflect the style you are going for. If you can do this, then you can be sure to develop your blog while also making it stand out from the crowd. (Just FYI...this blog isn't written in my usual style because it wasn't written by me.)


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