It's time to Rest, Restore & Relax!

Our Christmas Tree is up!

Christmas Tree 2018

Christmas Tree 2018

Christmas is two weeks away. The lights are up. The mantle is decorated. I've watched "Love, Actually" and "Charlie Brown Christmas." And yet, I'm still feeling a bit stressed. I haven't written Christmas cards or bought any gifts, and I'm just now thinking about what we're doing for Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. I don't think I sent any cards the last two years, and hopefully, I'll get around to them this year. I used to send out cards every year. Have I just gotten even busier lately? Not sure, but I have been feeling more run down lately, and I have what doctors think is a "frozen shoulder."

Mantle is decorated for the holidays.

Mantle is decorated for the holidays.

I've been going to a chiropractor/sports medicine doctor for weeks now. I've also been to an acupuncturist, and I got an MRI late Friday night. Now, I'm in a Mastermind group, and the supportive women in the group mentioned today that perhaps it's my body's way of telling me that I needed to rest and slow down. It's also the time to just go within and more intuitively plan for the next year, rather than just do, do, do. I love this. It's what I coach my clients on, and yet, it's hard for me to slow down...so perhaps, my body is now doing it for me!

Have you bought all of your gifts yet?

Have you bought all of your gifts yet?

Spiritual teachers say that a frozen shoulder is symbolically carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders. The shoulders are also in the 4th chakra, which also carries the heart. Where am I not releasing weight or worry, and where can I show up more with love? These are the questions I will be asking myself in the next few weeks and hopefully, with the help of the doctors, physical therapists, acupuncturists, I will be healed very, very soon.

Rest, Restore & Really Get Grateful this time of the year

Rest, Restore & Really Get Grateful this time of the year

In the meantime, I just want to make sure you're taking care of yourself, physically, mentally, and spiritually, and that you're also taking this time of the year to rest, restore, reflect and really be grateful for all the amazing things that have happened in your life...so that next year, there will be more of those things that come to you. I want you to really slow down and get very present, starting this week, so that you can appreciate every moment of this glorious holiday season, and I will be doing the same. I am so grateful for you reading, sharing, and subscribing.

Also, as my gift for you and because my client list is filled right now...I'm offering a FREE 1-hour financial coaching session to alleviate any holiday financial stress. If you're interested, sign up here and then go to this link to schedule your time with me.

With Gratitude,

Previous Comments

Joy Caroni I love it Katy! What an inspiration you are.

December 13, 2018, 12:33pm

Katy @Joy Caroni Thanks, Joy! Your artworks are inspirational!!!

December 13, 2018, 12:36pm




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