2020 is not cancelled!

Did you know there's just 7 weeks before Thanksgiving?

(This time last year, my family and I were in Sicily for an epic two week trip...

Here's Part 2 and Part 3 of that amazing time.)

The pandemic makes us all feel like we're living in the movie Groundhog's Day.

But I'm here to tell you...it DOESN'T have to be the same old thing every day!

You may be thinking and feeling...So, now what?

However, my friend, actor and founder of Think Bigger Coaching, DaJuan Johnson, says that’s the wrong question because it implies that you have to wait and see what happens.

Instead, I have to tell you -- YOU have more control than you think you do! And now is the time to take action! In the entertainment industry, production is back. Actors are auditioning, booking and filming already!

Did you watch Saturday Night Live this weekend? If so, what did you think? No matter if you thought it was good or not, it didn't feel like a pandemic version of the show. It felt like they were back in their usual way.

So if SNL can do it, instead of asking, now what, ask yourself this…

How can I show up FULLY for myself and my career right now?

One simple way is to just take some action. I want you to reach out to 10 people you know in your industry to ask if they can give you 20 minutes of their time. I want you to ask them questions about how you can stand out, how you can be on their list of go-to people the next time they're hiring, and how you can be indispensable (the best kept secret to being the kind of person an employer hires over and over again).

Then, follow up with an e-mail of immense gratitude! Just because we're in a global pandemic doesn't mean you're out of luck with work and making money. I'm not saying it will be super easy, and you'll get a position tomorrow. However, it all starts with networking. We're all more likely to hire someone we know or someone that our friends and colleagues know.

And if you don't know that many people...I would encourage you to sign up for something extraordinary...

It’s DaJuan Johnson’s Think Bigger Summit where he’s curated a list of over 15 experts to show you exactly how the industry is different and how you can get back to work.

I was flattered to be invited to speak at the summit by DaJuan because the lineup is pretty impressive. We’ve got working actors, casting directors, reps, and some spectacular experts ready to knock your socks off.

DaJuan and I had a really deep discussion about how to think bigger, no matter what your career may be, and we also dived deep into how to create financial flow in the same way as your creative flow.

The Think Bigger Summit is totally FREE and you absolutely need to join us.

My interview is TOMORROW! Here’s the link to grab your spot.

You don't want to miss the conversations. It's also a good way to meet some great people, especially if you're in the entertainment industry!

With Gratitude,


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